Walking into the light airiness of the room could have lifted anyone's spirit; as well as The Cocktail Bandits' refreshing beverages and their southern flare. Just what you need to make any event a little more eventful when you have some good ol' libations! Since we're here in the south it made perfect sense for the Cocktail duo to introduce us with their Peninsula Tea.
If you want the recipe, you have to purchase their book at and if you want to see how some of the recipe test out before you purchase, then join Melanin Collective. (I know shameless plug)
While we stepped in and was greeted with smiling faces and a fruit spread, we busied ourselves with images that just made the ambiance more vivid. The artwork on the walls of those long walk ways were very telling of you being in a creative space, among creative people, and those who love to experience creative things. Artistically speaking it was.."artsy". Not at all bad "artsy", if that's even a thing. lol
However after sipping off my tea and munching down my pineapple, crackers, and cheese; I was definitely ready for the first course with the vegan cuisine. The three bean wild rice salad was my ultimate favorite dish and I can't lie that I indeed had two helpings of the Taiwanese sesame pasta salad.
However, if anyone knows me than they know that I'm a sucker for sweets. So it didn't take but a matter of seconds before I tip toed my way to Island Girl Sweets and sunk my teeth in those delectable icing covered Rice Krispy treats! I could feel the pounds gathering but my mouth said otherwise, and we won't mentioned how I demolished that candy apple once I was home. Shhhhh.
Now I was in the grove with the interchangeable movements of bopping to 90's female hip hop in the background, and sipping on the Gentle Lady Gimlet, the second drink feature for that evening. So I was feeling good, chewing good, and sippin'...good. So right about now Brandy's I wanna be down is everything while I ponder through memory lane waiting on the next course.
As our host directed us for our main course, I immediately made my way to be the first few. Yeah, I'm kind of greedy like that. I was all here for the chicken wings and if you know me, than you know this is my krypton night to practicing veganism. But I ate those jerk chicken wings like I wasn't ashamed today or even too proud to beg!lol As I finished off my Asian veggie kabob ( I didn't feel as guilty after that) I gathered some treats before exiting and made my own treat bag with Cocktail Bandits' Holy Spirits book and Madam Dope accessories! Nice event ladies and hoped to return!
S/O to the ladies that helped orchestrate this event!
Natashnym Meggett
Khadijah Denis
Vaugn Postema
Johnny Caldwell
Candace Pringle