Peace and blessings! I hope everyone who's reading this is doing well and if you're not, remember, take it moment by moment. Put your focus in lifting your vibrations now and don't worry about the rest. I know it's easier said but when you get through it (because you will get through it) then you'll KNOW what you're capable of.
Speaking on getting through those rough patches, brings me to why I'm here in the first place. If you read my last post, IN MY FEELINGS, then you know I've been going through a bit of my own rough patches in regards to my business (among other things). I think I'm finally at a space where I've found peace with where I am and I'm grateful even though it wasn't easy. Listen, it took a lot of meditating, journaling, praying and repeat. However, if I wasn't able to have a space where I could do these things, I'm not sure if I'd be where I am or if I'd still be fighting myself internally.
One thing I can say that helped turn the course was getting up and cleaning my whole entire house.
One thing I can say that helped turn the course was getting up and cleaning my whole entire house. I can't think or be comfortable if my house isn't clean to my liking. I'm no "clean freak" but there is a standard. Listen, I have children and I'll be damn if I go insane trying to keep my house as clean as a model home. I can't explain it but I get this overwhelming anxiety when I feel that it's time for my house to get a nice ol' deep cleaning. I don't have to see it... I can just feel it's about that time. I'm talking about that deep deep cleaning (behind refrigerators, stoves, furniture etc.). I need that in my life at least every other month. Maybe even once a month because I have children and if you know anything about keeping a house clean with kids...they're just dirty, lol. If not, it feels as though my house is out of balance and alignment. Which then poses the question: Is Cleanliness Next To Godliness?

Do I believe the colloquialism means that if you keep your house clean you'll be next to God? In a spiritual sense, if we're talking about energy, vibrations and frequencies...YES
I ran across a young lady on one of these social media apps (I can't remember) giving her perspective of "Cleanliness To Godliness" and trivializing it because it wasn't a legitimate scripture in the Bible. However, I feel it's some legitimacy there regardless if it's not written in the Bible. Sometimes we take things too literal. Do I believe the colloquialism means that if you keep your house clean you'll be next to God? In a spiritual sense, if we're talking about energy, vibrations and frequencies...YES! Think about how you feel when you've come out of taking a shower. Or how you feel when you get in a clean made bed after you just got out of the shower. You feel refreshed, renewed; it's like your energy went from low to high. It's all about the elevation.
So when you clean your space; be it your home, room, car; you're bringing in an energy that elevates and heightens that space. Your space looks clean, your space feels clean, and in turn makes you feel great in your space. Think about how you feel when you've gone into someone's home and it wasn't clean. I'm not talking about someone's place being a little disheveled or things out of place. I'm speaking on literally someone's place being unclean: dirty dishes piled up in the sink, overflowing trash can, dirty bathroom. How do you feel? Does it feel welcoming? Does it feel inviting? Do you feel as though you could just hang out in that space forever or are you trying to find the first excuse to make an exit?
Let's take it from someone's personal home and think about public establishments like a restaurant or public restrooms. You don't feel comfortable eating in a unclean restaurant or at least you shouldn't. If you do... well I'm going to hold your hand when I say this, it probably speaks on your own personal environment. And I'm not here to judge because I could recall where I'd lay in bed days at a time and my house looked as though I wasn't raised better. But when you can live or be in an environment that doesn't sustain a level of quality living, that might speak to your mental or emotional health. I know it was obvious for me. When I'm not mentally or emotionally in a healthy, balanced state it's reflected through my environment.

So when I clean up my environment it raises my energy and my awareness. I can think clearer because I feel relaxed versus feeling unmotivated. When I realize I'm in a funk I force myself to get up and start cleaning and I start to feel better. I may even add or rearrange some decorations to shape the space into the energy that elevates that space. For instance, my sunroom. When we first moved into our home, I just knew that sunroom was going to be "my room". I already had a container garden in progress and some house plants; and I envisioned a room with sunlight and greenery. I wanted my space to be an afro bohemian vibe. When I first decorated my space it was vibrant with teal, yellows and an boho patterns and decor. Unfortunately we later got a furry dog, he shed on the indoor outdoor carpet something awful! Then my children decided to store the dog food, and any other thing they could, in my sunroom. My children didn't clean up behind themselves or their dog. So my space that I once loved to be in and nurture my plants, myself and my peace; became a space that was neglected.
I couldn't stand to be in my sunroom. It didn't feel like me. It felt crowded, dirty, and unkept; and yes I did clean it but because I didn't put boundaries in place for my children they didn't keep clean up after themselves.
I couldn't stand to be in my sunroom. It didn't feel like me. It felt crowded, dirty, and unkept; and yes I did clean it but because I didn't put boundaries in place for my children they didn't feel the importance of cleaning up after themselves. But the day came where I needed my refuge, my place to tend to me and my self care. I wanted my space back! So I ripped up the carpet. I got rid of what I didn't need any longer and rearranged what stayed. I changed my color scheme from bold colors and decided to go with a minimalist color theme of black and white. And I loved it! The simple black and white was complimentary to the natural wood trimming around the sunroom. I cleaned my walls, window seals and I could now feel this place becoming my peace among the chaos. Whether the chaos is in my home or outside, my sunroom now knew the assignment of being my safe haven, my place of reflection. I was able to find my way back to me having a space where I could light my candles and incense; I could meditate, practice yoga, and write in my journal.

When you think of cleaning as more of a practice of self care versus it being a chore, then you have a different type of mindset when you clean. When you turn on your music, light your candles and/or incense, and clean with the intentions of clearing out the negative energy and bringing in fresh positive energy; you realize that cleaning is a spiritual practice of self care within itself.
Your space, home should be your sacred space or safe haven among the chaos outside in the world.
Of course we're human and like I mentioned previously, I don't expect anyone to keep a showcase w.hen it comes to the maintenance and upkeep of your home. However, when you start to feel a decline of your mental health take a look at your environment. Your space, home should be your sacred space or safe haven among the chaos outside in the world. How can we expect to deal with the chaos of this world if we don't have a place to go where we can recenter, find peace and feel safe? You don't have to have the fanciest of places but you can make an oasis of love, peace and light with how you take care of it. My sunroom isn't perfect but it's a work in progress just like me on my journey; but we're going to get there.
So, once again, is cleanliness next to godliness? In creating my sacred space I now understand that keeping my place clean is maintaining a level of vibration and frequency that keeps my space a safe haven to feel comforted and at peace. My candles and incense just heighten the vibrations when I burn my affirmations candles such as: JOY+HAPPINESS, BLESSINGS+ABUNDANCE, and PEACE+HARMONY. If you all enjoyed this content and want to know more about creating your own space like or comment below, and I'll continue to go in more detail with content about creating your own space. You can also check out my recent mini vlog on me blessing and creating my sacred space for positive vibrations.
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