Even though the Full Moon has pass, it doesn't mean we still can't learn from the message that the energy was giving. We can always take the message and channel the energy within ourselves to assist with the progression of our self discovery journey. It's never too late to see the value in you and lean into your true selves.
Below is a full video of what the Aquarius full moon can offer us. When you watch make sure you're ready to be honest with the level of awareness you have about yourself. Are you confident in your gifts, skills, and abilities? Are you waiting for others to validate your gifts, skills, and abilities? Now is your time to not allow fear to prohibit you to understand and use your natural born resources that were given to you.
In preparing for the Full Moon I love to light my candles from our Apothecary, pull out my journal, and dig deep within to what can better serve and help me and release the mentality and or energy that no longer serves me. Before you watch the video below I want you to open your mind and really receive that you can change whatever's holding you back. You ultimately have the power starting with your mind to be the change that you want to see and be.
Prepare yourself to do the work to see your transformation:
Light your candle to set the mood and energy for your environment that can further help your head space. If you don't know where to buy candles go check out www.bellaminded.com/apothecary. These are intentional candles that will give the energy of uplifting your vibrations.
Pull out your journal or some paper and pen so you can write down key points, intentions to help you take the best message that resonates with you to further help you discover what's hindering you from your dreams, goals, aspirations, and purpose.
Pray before so you can ask The Most High to open you to receive the messaging needed in this video and mediated afterwards and receive the guidance in the message that will assist you in aligning with your purpose.
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Peace & Blessings